18in gauge Equipment

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This engine is modeled after on built by Dave Graley. It uses a frame with coupled thirty-three inch drivers supplied by Steve King. The rest of the engine is wood and is radio controlled.

This mining type engine is another rebirth of my old Aristocraft Rogers engine.

This is another photo of the same engine with a freight consist. The red box car is a copy of one made by Dave Graley and contains the batteries and radio receiver for the engine.

A shot of the Elves at work. The red engine now resides elsewhere.

A shot of some of the rolling stock comming out of the storage shed.

Bringing in the yule log before it snows. The log bunks were developed by Dave Cummins and sold as kits by Steve King.

The engine is the same as above before it was painted. The people are an assortment of 7/8th action figures that are perfect size for children of the estate owner. The fellow in the red shirt is an action figure of a wrestler. His height works out to be about 5ft 8in.

The people on the estate like to party! This train uses the brake car as a potty car. The beer car was originally a bank.

This is a close up of the party car. The figures are wrestler action figures. The women have been redressed.

This picture shows the Superintendent's car which also serves as a maintenance car.

A shot of the back showing Rosy the riviter and her helper. Batteries are kept behind the work bench.

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